Below is a select list of some outlets where my writing and editing have appeared. Please note that, due to nondisclosure agreements, I am unable to provide a full overview.

Offline Writing

Writing Staff
Blue Shift
May-June 2017
Station Theater

“I, Harpy.” White House Press Corps and the Pips, performers. Station Theater, Houston. 28 Jan. 2017.


“Special Attention.” Isaiah Broussard, illustrator. Crackers and White Wine. Vol. 1. Houston: Brass Comics, 2015. 3.

“How to be an Ally.” Isaiah Broussard, illustrator. DRAW-THE-LINE 2014 User Guidebook. Ed. Julie LaLonde. Ottawa, 2014.

“Paneling Like a Champ 101.” Space City Nerd. Issue 4. Houston, 2014. 11-15.

“Ten Proven Brain Benefits of Being Bilingual.” Reading and Writing about Contemporary Issues. Vol. 1. Kathleen McWhorter, author. New York: Pearson Higher Education, 2014. 543.

“Psycho Girlfriend.” Jessi Jordan, illustrator. Space City Nerd. Issue 3. Houston, 2013. Insert.

“Indiessentials: Phonogram.” Space City Nerd. Issue 2. Houston, 2013. 15-18.

“Indiessentials: Rex Libris.” Space City Nerd. Issue 1. Houston, 2013. 5-8.

“Every Poem Ever Written…Ever.” Laurels. Houston: University of St. Thomas, 2009. 61.

“How Many Times Have We Had This Conversation?” Third Story Presents. Vol. 10. Huntsville: Sam Houston State University, 2005. 17-18.

Online Writing

Local Honey and Cheese: The Best Pairing of All (Houstonia)

Where are the Future Beekeepers? (Houstonia)

Houston is Slowly Earning its Beekeeping Stripes (Houstonia)

The DIY Podcast Collective Giving Houston an Alternate Voice (Houston Press)

Five Things Almost Everyone Gets Wrong about Improv (Houston Press)

Easy Ways to Support the Arts in Houston on a Budget (Houston Press)

Survivor’s Guilt, Harvey, and Where Houston Goes from Here (Houston Press)

Houston Comedians Use Art to Destigmatize Mental Illness (Houston Press)

Finn and Charlie are Hitched, by Tony Breed (Gutterfags)


The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver (Gutterfags)


Interview with Deluge‘s J.D. Oliva (Comics Experience)


Interview with Karma Police‘s Chris Lewis (Comics Experience)


Interview: Robert Wilson IV on Heartthrob (Dork Shelf)


Interview with Gutter Magic‘s Rich Douek (Comics Experience)


Interview with Wretched Things’ Devon Wong and Ken Perry (Comics Experience)

Interview with Past the Last Mountain‘s Paul Allor (Comics Experience)


Comicpalooza: The Janet Lee Interview (Space City Nerd)

Interview: Fabian Rangel, Jr. on Doc Unknown, Space Riders and How to Not Suck at Kickstarter (Dork Shelf)

Iron Man, Mental Illness and the Importance of Representation (Dork Shelf)

Castle Waiting’s Necessary Lessons in Intersectionality (Dork Shelf)

Comicpalooza 2014: Mouse Guard‘s David Petersen (Space City Nerd)

Jacob Kane’s Feminist Fatherhood (Dork Shelf)

Comics for People Who Don’t Like Comics (Dork Shelf)

The Free Throw (Shaqzine)

Indiessentials: The Stuff of Legend (Space City Nerd)

Editing (Comics)

Hansel Moreno

Gray Bear Comics

Editing (Prose)

Dork Shelf

Space City Nerd