I’m Meredith Nudo and I’m a Houston-based voice actress, writer, and comedian. I graduated from the comedy conservatory programs at Station Theater and ComedySportz Houston and performed with the improv troupes Empty Closets and I’m Just Happy to be Here prior to COVID-19 closing down the stages and ruining all of our fun. In addition, I made my festival debut in the 2016 Trill Comedy Festival as a guest of Magical Lying Hour and went on to co-produce the 2019 event. In 2017, I served on the writing staff of the first two seasons of Blue Shift, Station Theater’s house sketch troupe. I’ve performed as a guest of Rock Paper Improv, Grief Bacon, Supernova, the Good Enoughs, Better Linda, and in the Anchor Sketch Showcase, among others, and wrote a sketch selected for the 2019 Kevin McDonald & Friends showcase at Station Theater.
The voice acting part of my career is fleshed out on this page! It has reels! And my résumé! And info about my home studio! And nice things that nice people said about me!
I like exclamation points and in my spare time I enjoy staring at the wall baffled that I have spare time. My writing can be found on my blog, Hardcore Nudoty.
Please note that not every project is reflected here due to NDAs. For a full listing of performing arts experience outside of voiceover, my résumé may be found here.
Just Esperia Things, Lilith Games
- Dolly (Episode 7; supporting)
- Additional voices
Dooro Bear, Alpha Audio
- Moon (supporting)
- Ladybug (supporting)
Nexus Underground, Director Kelsey Baritell
Obsidian Archives: Badlands, Obsidian Archives
Best Friends Adventures, Silent Man Productions
Colors of the Rainbow, Court Jester Productions
- Electric Blue (Episode 5; supporting)
- Ivory (Episode 5; supporting)
- British TV Announcer (Episode 5; supporting)
Diet!, Director Joseph Chang
Duet Me Not, Director Cynthia Tapia
The Energies, Honey Ham Creations
- Fangirls (supporting)
- Additional voices
Fluffy, TopHatBird Studios
Moons of Celeros, Wakeform Entertainment
Poison Heart, Bored Nugget
Seasons of Joy, Court Jester Productions
Solar Capture’s Journey, Director Cora Mescher
Wickwood Mythical Academy, DreamHive Studio
- Christa (secondary)
- Aerlinne (supporting)
Game Over, Bored Nugget
- Additional voices (Episode 1)
Molly Taylor’s Azure Wolfheart Birthday Short, Director Esco Tanner
One Last Letter, Director Ari Johnson
The Tragic End of Rodney & Madlyn U., Director Jay Whang
Displacement District, Director Sam Reilly
It Gets Even Better: Stories of Queer Possibility, Speculatively Queer
- Narrator, Aimee Ogden’s “Venti Mochaccino, No Whip, Double Shot of Magic”
The BookMarks, WGC Productions
- Berlin Sohal (secondary)
- Janice, The Teenage Girl (supporting)
The Infinite Realm, RealmWorks Audio
Smile Grove, Isotopic Productions
- Mysterious Female Voice (secondary)
Beyond the Long Rest, Director Cris Skelton
Intervention & Reunion, Sole Twin Audios
- Doctor (Intervention segment) (lead)
The Pirate’s Daughter, Podastery Studios
- The Matriarch (secondary)
- Sister Emma (supporting)
- Corvid (supporting)
These Backwards Echoes, JoyRide Entertainment
Salubrious Falls: Phobias Unlimited, Sole Twin Audios
- Officer Sebastiana Tierney (secondary)
- Female Sloan (secondary)
Savage Waking, Invictum Digital
- Additional Voices (Zombie Horde)
Subsister, CreatiScope
- Trish 2 (Episode 2; supporting)
Archion Book 2, Studio Archion
- Kim Cromley (supporting)
- Archion Solider (Episode 11; supporting)
Demons, Radioverse
The Leap, Pinball Productions
- Sadie’s Mom (Episode 1; supporting)
A Normal Family | JonBenet Ramsey Case Podcast, Director Charles Benes
- Police Report Narrator (supporting)
The Sheridan Tapes, Homestead on the Corner
- Amy Sterling (Episodes 72, 74; secondary)
Splintered Caravan, Director Chris Garrett, Overtime Productions
Tartarus, Director Janet Lalla-Hamblin
- Armitage (Episode 7; supporting)
Monster Kingdom, ThatFoolishOne
Azure Wolfheart, Director Esco Tanner
Corgi Knight, Corgi Knight Studios
Orson Welles: Warrior of the Worlds, Director Milton Lawson
Sea Hears Project: Annabel, Sailing Ocelot Studios
Where Wolf, Director Robert Saucedo
The Burt Reynolds and Charles Bronson Podcast, Director Scott White
The Dan Aykroyd Podcast, Director Scott White
Milton’s Comics and Culture Radar, Director Milton Lawson
Which is More Gooder?, Director Scott White
For the Love of Customers, Director Kyle Bullock
How to get a Pell Grant (in 30 Seconds), BestColleges.com
What are Pell Grants?, BestColleges.com
The Land, Director Blake Naleid
- Red Dirt Rowdy Hour Producer (supporting)
A Weekend on Foxes Island, The Avocado Highway
Pop and Schlock Podcast, formerly KPFT 90.1 FM
Cold Cuts, Platform Productions
Olurun, Director Don Freeman, KPFT 90.1 FM
Various blog posts, BestColleges.com
Sex and the Post-Apocalyptic Prison Colony, Director Kathryn Way, So Like Basically
- Narrator
- Rita (supporting)
Scott White and Alycia “Rose” Quacker Stand-Up Special, Director Luke Brewer
The Godkiller Ch. 2, Seespace Labs
Beyond the Edge of Owlsguard, WatchDaToast
- Shashenka Svetlana van Slyme (secondary)
Cryptid Crew, Pertinax Games
Doomsday Paradise, Lemonade Flashbang
- Samurai Shark (supporting)
Odyssey of Dremid’ir, Chiaroscuro Entertainment
Serafina’s Saga: Awakened, Woodsy Studio
- Valerie Sparkov (secondary)
We Live Inside a Dream, MrWhaleFarmer
- Screaming Woman (supporting)
Crowing, The East Patch
Fashion Police Squad, Mopeful Games
Fngs fr th mmrs, Cattle Crew Games
The Godkiller Ch. 1, Seespace Labs
The Mountain and the Path, Fall Right Games
- Female Narrator/Player Character (lead)
N3-VR, Director Cem Ertekin
Nowhereplatz, U3, mlkrn
Portrait of a Texas Family, Lookout Drive Games
Silent Space, Director Cem Ertekin
- Captain Walker (lead)
- Xeno-Encephalon (lead)
- Ship System (supporting)
The Unknowns, Director Leon Artmann
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