Note: This statement was written by both J. Goodson Dodd and myself. It speaks for us both.
To all of our friends and fans:
In solidarity with Don Freeman, we have decided to end our relationship with KPFT. We are forever grateful for the opportunity he gave us to take the little show that brings us big joy to the radio every week. Few people in Houston care as much about diversifying the airwaves as Don. We remain supportive of and impressed by his creative vision and know he will continue to grow into an important voice in this city and beyond.
That said, the both of us eagerly want to continue on with Pop & Schlock. We’ve had fun with it. You’ve had fun with it (we hope). So there’s no need to end it. We already started discussing possible new formats and approaches, all of which we’re excited about. Meredith leaves for an all-too-needed vacation in a few weeks, and once she returns in September we should have more of an idea of the shape Pop & Shlock will take in the future. Our last show at KPFT will be August 19, covering Where’d You Go, Bernadette? with some great recurring guests.
We’d like to further thank our friends Bobby, Mary from The People’s News, Mike and Bucky from Living Art, the cast of Really but Not Really, the Patricks, and Ned and Connor from FM Rager for making our time at KPFT something special. And, of course, to all of our guests and listeners who contributed their time to opening up some truly fun and rewarding discussions about cinema.
Just think… you made Toilet Shark happen. YOU did. You should be proud of you.
This isn’t a goodbye. This is an invitation to come along with us on another leg of our most excellent adventure.
With love,
Jake and Meredith