Family Recipe Corner: Butter Emails

As a foodie, I adore this time of year! With a touch of cold in the air and leaves beginning to turn soooooo many gorgeous shades of yellow, red, and orange, I am transported back to memories of handpicking emails with Meemaw on her little farm just outside of Middlebury, Connecticut. They’re always at the … Continued

Discovery!: Some Nerd’s Avant-Garde Notes from 1986!

This past week, I ended up accompanying a friend to an estate sale up in The Heights. I enjoy estate sales, even though I almost never buy anything; right now, I’m getting rid of things, not bringing them in. But from aesthetics and history perspectives, they can still be fun time capsules to explore. And … Continued

Advice to My Younger Selves

As the decade – not just a year! a whole decade! woah! – comes to a close, I can’t help but look back with the hopes of learning how to move forward. Lately, I’ve been staring up at the ceiling in a fit of insomnia-induced reminiscing. If I could go back in time, what would … Continued

My First Time Online Dating

Content Warning: Adult situations! Suggestive dialogue! I’m a modern woman, but I haven’t been the best at acknowledging my needs in a modern way. When it comes to meeting men, I always thought clubs were best. When the booze is flowing and the beats are pounding, there’s no better recipe for sweet seduction. …Or so … Continued

15 Important Life Lessons I Learned from My Cat!

I’ve enjoyed the pleasure of pet cats since I was 7 (or am I their pet human!? LOL!), and let me tell you… I just love them! From the tippy-tips of their l’il pointy ears to the squishy beans on their soft and tender toesies, there’s nothing on earth like a sleepy kitty curled up … Continued