Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 4/25/2021

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read the past two weeks (4/5/2021 through 4/25/2021) that I think you should read, too. I took a week off because I was sick. I read less than I usually do because I was sick. Articles *Foster Kamer’s If Y2K-Era Movie Theater Carpets Could … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 4/11/2021

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read the past week (4/5/2021 through 4/11/2021) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Valentina Di Liscia’s We Asked the Art World to Explain NFTs, and No One Could for Hyperallergic: This is an April Fool’s Day piece, so don’t take it as … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 4/4/2021

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read the past week (3/29/2021 through 4/4/2021) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Rachel Crandall Crocker’s TDOV Founder Rachel Crandall-Crocker Agrees That Visibility Is A “Double-Edged Sword” for them.: The Transgender Day of Visibility falls on March 31 of every year. In … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 3/28/2021

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read the past week (3/22/2021 through 3/28/2021) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Gregory Barber’s NFTs Are Hot. So Is Their Effect on the Earth’s Climate for Wired: The latest crypto craze requires even more energy expenditures than before, leading to serious … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 3/21/2021

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read the past week (3/15/2021 through 3/21/2021) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Chris DeVille’s Jesse Plemons is more than ready to be a leading man for The A.V. Club: He’s been ready, but it bears stating anyway. Plemons makes some great … Continued