Two Months Later, Retailers Struggle with the DC Split from Diamond

In June, DC Comics announced it would cease its relationship with distributor Diamond, fulling transitioning to DCBS’ Luna and Midtown Comics’ UCS rather than following through with the non-exclusive deal made in April. As reported by Heidi MacDonald at Comics Beat, DC accounted for 30% of Diamond’s sales. Because the distributor has held a position … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 8/2/2020

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read this week (7/27/20 through 8/2/20) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Emma Balter’s Houston’s vegan scene booms into a patchwork of cuisines for Houston Chronicle: Houston really does have some amazing places to eat vegan food these days, so I’m happy … Continued

Transmit to Your Eyeholes: Week Ending 7/26/2020

I read a lot. This is a selection of what I read this week (7/19/20 through 7/26/20) that I think you should read, too. Articles *Ali Breland’s Why are Right-Wing Conspiracies So Obsessed with Pedophilia? for Mother Jones: The roots of Satanic Panic in the 1980s and today’s Pizzagate go as far back as the … Continued

Scott White and Alycia “Rose” Quacker: Now on Public Access!

So. This is the major reason why I haven’t been blogging as much as I’d like the past seven months: The Scott White and Alycia “Rose” Quacker Stand Up Special. It’s a major project I’ve been honored to play a part in planning, staging it at Station Theater, and adapting for television. Yeah. Television. The … Continued

[Guest Blog] So Now You Have to Work from Home: Kids Edition

by guest blogger Jef Rouner As promised, here’s a companion piece to my guide to working from home by a parent, since that isn’t a topic I can knowledgeably discuss. Jef Rouner (Houston Press, Houston Chronicle, Cracked) agreed to step in and share his experience. Thanks, Jef! *** Congratulations! You’re your child’s teacher during super … Continued